Thursday, January 10, 2013

Beer Mile 2012


It was a cold dark night as the runners slowly and languidly filed onto the track. There was a calming feeling as the clouds changed from white billowy tuffs into dark rain clouds. Weather change would not hinder these athletes from achieving ultimate success however the beer might. Once all the runners were in place and the beers were located in the transition area the mood changed from friendly to competitive. There was a lot on the line: Beer Mile Champ, Honorary Cape, Gold Metal, Burger King Hat as well as a Arrogant Bastard Ale Cup.  Only the strongest person would prevail and the others would be left to memories and a headache.

The runners lined up and boom they were off. All with different tactics for success. What a blast. Of course the winner of last years Beer Mile 2011 took the lead confident in his abilities. The Beer Mile Champs lead was short lived when two runners from the pack chased him down as they entered the first transition area. Although they all looked strong the tension was thick, adrenaline high and the competitive spirit on overdrive. Only Caballo Blanco knew what was in their minds. During the final lap is was clear that a new champ would be crowned as the 2011 Champ faded.

There is so much more...

P.S. the rules will be changed for 2013 as cheating will be encouraged and beer consumption will be verified.

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